We are happy to announce that the Second Edition of the Nangchö Mönlam ནང་ཆོས་སྨོན་ལམ། —the Great Buddhist Prayer Festival for Peace— will take place in Dharma City from 26 to 30 July 2023.

The mönlams will also be broadcasted online.
Mönlams are prayers of aspiration, aspirations that all sentient beings achieve stable happiness and peace, and be free from all forms of physical and mental suffering.
During a mönlam, the participants join in reciting these prayers of aspiration, thereby turning their mind and action towards benefiting all beings.
Not only is it a time meaningfully spent but also it is a great joy to pray together wishing the best for all, actually benefiting all those connected to these prayers, and training our mind to maintain altruistic motivation.
The term 'mönlam' also refers to the tradition of Mönlam Chenmo, the great prayer gathering that has historically been part of Tibetan New Year celebrations for more than 600 years. Over the last few decades, the mönlam tradition has been revived and greatly enriched. Multiple Mönlams are held at different times during the year in Tibet, India, Nepal, Bhutan—and recently in the West.
The Nangchö Mönlam —the Great Buddhist Prayer Festival for Peace— is organised under the auspices of Patrul Rinpoche, and is the first ever organised in Belgium.


Arrival on site is possible starting 25 July 4 pm, and departure until 31 July 11:30 am.
When you arrive, please come to the registration desk to receive your badge. If you have booked an accommodation, we can then show you your room.

Patrul Rinpoche has expressed the wish that the mönlam be a donation-based annual event.
It means that participation is free of charge for participants, and that all costs are covered through donations.
You are most welcome to make a donation, general or specific, according to your possibilities and wishes.
It is also a wonderful way for those who cannot join to connect to the positive energy of the mönlams.

With the help of donors like you, the Buddhist Prayer Festival for Peace will flourish for the benefit of all. Donations of any amount are appreciated and will help further the Mönlam tradition.
1. Donation for a specific item: please check this table or this page that lists all costs and select the items you would like to offer. Note the number of the item in the first column.
For material donation, it is possible in some cases to bring the item directly yourself to Dharma City. Please contact us if this is your wish.
General donation: you can offer the amount of your choice towards the organisation of the mönlam.
2. Fill in the donation form (include the number for the item(s) you selected).
3. Payment options:
Please write the number of the items you are sponsoring in the communication of your transfer.
- BE25928073882582 (BIC: VPAYBEB1)
- Alternatively you can make a transfer with Payconiq (from Belgium bank accounts only)

- If you leave abroad and cannot make a bank transfer, other option are listed here.
4. The merits of sponsoring the mönlams will be dedicated during the mönlam.

A printed version of the texts will be available during the mönlam.
You can also download the text.
- See here (Mönlam Recitation booklet only in French)

During the course, vegetarian meals and drinks (cold and warm) will be given freely to participants who registered.
Meals will only be offered on
- dinner on 25 July (the day before the mönlam starts)
- breakfast, lunch and dinner 26-30 July (during mönlam)
- breakfast on 31 July (the day after mönlam ends).
See our 'Donation' section if you would like to offer meals or tea in the temple.
We are sorry that we cannot guarantee gluten-free and other allergies-free options.
The Dharma City Tea House & Restaurant and the organic shop will be open during the Mönlam (where you will find vegetarian meals and food suitable to specific diets). Reservation is advised.

It is possible to stay on site.
Camping is free of charge. You need to bring your own tent, mattress, sleeping bag, etc.
You do not need to register for camping.
The dormitories are reserved for people who stay during the 5 days of the mönlam.
We have 4 dormitories. In the dormitories a mattress is provided together with bedsheets and a light blanket. If you need more blankets take your own.
If you snore loudly please go the camping and not the dormitories.
- Women dormitory (20 mattresses) - 1st floor
- Man dormitory (14 mattresses) - 1st floor
- Small mixed dormitory (8 beds) - ground floor
Attic dormitory with small tents
- Attic dormitory - 2d floor.
This is a big room above the temple in which smell tents have been prepared. Theres are: 1 tent with 1 mattress, 13 tents with 2 mattresses, 1 tent with 3 mattresses, 1 tent with 4 mattresses.
Rooms without bathrooms
Tisha room have 2 beds with bedsheets and a blanket.
We have 6 rooms with 2 beds, and 1 room with 3 beds.
The price is 250 euros for 5 days for the rooms with 2 beds, and 350 euros for 5 days for the room with 3 beds.
We cannot provide extra mattresses (if you are more than 2, you must bring your own material).
Rooms ending in 01 & 02 are on the Ground Floor. Rooms ending in 03 & 04 are on the 1st floor.

Registration is necessary so that we can prepre the site and meals for everyone.

We will need several to help during the mönlams. Depending on the task you will be able or not to attend the mönlams (for the tasks that need to be done during the recitation time, a few volunteers will take turns so that everyone can attend at least partially).
If you are interested to help, please send an email here.

How to go there

Practical Information
What to bring
- a cushion to sit in the temple (a few chairs will be available as well)
- the instruments for Chöd practice if you have
- if you sleep on site, a torch may be useful
- if you camp: all your camping material (including your tent, mattress, sleeping bag, etc)
- If you sleep in the tents in the attic dormitory: your bedsheets, pillow, and blanket
Rules during the Nangchö Mönlam
- No alcohol
- No smoking (there is a smoking area if you need to smoke).
- Making fire is forbidden due to the risk of drought.
- No candles or incense except in the dedicated area.
- Do not make noise during the practice time.
- Strict silence after midnight.

Prayers on request
Once a day during the mönlams prayer requests will be read aloud and the assembly will recite specific prayers for it.
If you would like to make a prayer request, please fill in this form
All the money offering for prayer requests will be used for the building of retreat rooms and other facilities in Dharma City.

Email: monlam@patrulrinpoche.net
Telegram Channel (also for information during the Mönlam)
In Telegram, search for "NangchoMonlam" or "NangchoMonlamTib" and subcribe.

Online Broadcast
You can follow the Nangchö Mönlam online.

Dharma talk in the evening:
Pictures of the Mönlam
This 2nd edition of the Nangchö Mönlam in Dharma City was a great success and a very meaningful time together, praying for all beings to be happy and free of suffering.
All our gratitude goes to Patrul Rinpoche for his vision and intense cooperation in all possible ways.
We would like to thank everyone who has worked joyfully and intensively before, during and after the event for making it comfortable and smooth for all.
And of course we thank all sponsors for their indispensable support.
See you next year for the Third Edition of the Nangchö Mönlam !
More pictures :
More pictures here
Check Sonam Lhadon's vlog too :
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3